The teenage years are quite difficult times in the life of any teen. Parents are also not left out as these years are challenging in their parenting journey. This is a period that can make or mar their adult lives so care must be taken in ensuring these years are best utilized.
Understanding your teenagers is very possible, however, you must be intentional about it. For starters, parents have been known to be hard on teenagers for various reasons. They’ve been there, done that, and are seeing these youngsters following in their footsteps.
For teenagers, this is a time for them to discover themselves. The stress of going through puberty is there, likewise the need to become independent. This takes a toll on their emotional and psychological health.
The stress in turn affects their physical health and relationship with their parents, siblings, and even friends. They want to stop some relationships and form new ones. Physical health is usually treated by neglecting the underlying causes.
Teen Turbulence
The desire and journey to self-discovery are the major cause of turbulence in the teenage years. The body is developing likewise their cognitive abilities. They tend to achieve this in many ways which include overdependence on peers and rebellion against authority.
There is also the need to move away from parental influence because they feel judged often. Whenever a teen finds a parent or adult discussing the ills of another teen, they will take note and keep mute even when it’s dangerous. They don’t feel comfortable sharing their lives with adults. This is where peer influence plays a great role and yet, loses teenagers to moral decadence.
When a child feels loved, cherished, and trusts an adult not to talk about them to others, it goes through till their teenage years making it easier for such adults to cope. Parents, caregivers, older siblings, and everyone should therefore be trustworthy and always show self-discipline.
The Place of Art
Art is the representation and expression of thoughts, imaginations, and skills in creative ways. These include visual forms such as painting, photography, printmaking on fabrics, decorative art, etc. as well as dance and music.
Teenagers are useful and open to various forms of their desired arts. Something that has a wholesome healing effect is the arts. It is sustainable and reliable. It further brings out their strength and provides an avenue to let out pains and hurts.
Arts therapy is a form of healing process where an individual is allowed to let out their feelings in any form of art they so desire. The patient is offered a piece of paper, crayons, musical instrument, and any other related item of desired art to just write, scribble or play with.
The emotions are not analyzed or interpreted by the art therapist, but the patient is allowed to explain if they so desire. In teenagers, solid objects and graphics are common as well as poems. They are observed critically, and any form of negativity is taken into notice by the therapist as the problem and not the teenager.
Many forms of art are available depending on the age and challenges of each teen. From music to instruments, tie and dye, poem, drawing, and dance, a teenager is allowed to select his/her desired form of art and explore. An art therapy session can take from weeks to months depending on the severity of the case.
Why You Should Choose Ayomi Arts
Teenagers are at a stage of understanding and imagining more. They can picture things and bring their imaginations to life. Hence, the need to ensure their imaginations are healthy. Ayomi Arts starts with analyzing their state of health using their imaginations on fabrics and paper.
Ayomi Arts as a social enterprise found the need to include tie and dye as a form of art therapy for teenagers’ turbulent years starting in their home country, Nigeria. The recycling of waste items such as old towels, tyres, bottles, etc. has also found its way into the scheme.
One major challenge adults face when dealing with teenagers is resistance. They resist and question authorities even when they know it is for their good. Ayomi however, includes teenagers in drafting their schedule and does not lord the period or art form over them. This simple but delicate act breaks down resistance and opens their hearts to arts and love.
This is a major advantage Ayomi has over other teen organizations; the inclusiveness of these teens in developing them and helping them get better at their own pace. They are carried along and a team of wonderful and amazing teens is built, evolving into more successful and responsible adults.
Trust is another challenge teens have about adults. This is a reason why they do not talk with adults who they believe will rat them out at their nearest convenience. Parents, caregivers, and mentors all tend to do this because they feel they can’t handle some cases alone. At Ayomi, each teen is treated with respect, confidentiality is a watchword, and permissions are sought to bring in a third party when the need arises.
Final Thoughts
Teenage years are turbulent but can be made peaceful for teens and their parents right from the cradle. The best approach to having great teenagers is to show genuine care, give them reasons to trust you as an adult, and never betray their trust.
Finding ways of expressing displeasure at life through arts is a great way of curbing moral decadence and negative peer pressure during teen years. Choose any form of art and enjoy life.
Ayomi arts provide an avenue for teens to develop skills, build confidence, and experience peace during their turbulent years. This is done using tie and dye and recycling waste materials. Teens are safe with us and together, we produce better adults.
Are you a teen presently going through a rough patch? Are you a parent wondering if there’s any hope for your teens? Are you a school looking for ways of improving the cognitive and artistic ability of your students? Get in touch with Ayomi today and experience arts in ways you never knew were possible!
We are rooting for you as a teen, parent, and school and looking forward to a better world.